Ascendant Wings
Q: Why is my walk animation not working properly?
A: There is no issue with your wings, Firestorm's built in AO will conflict with Bento AO HUDs if used together. This issue has yet to be resolved by Linden Labs. For more Information check the following link https://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-20506
Q: Help please i have been getting all kinds of glitches, conflicts, issues, with your wings and my biped and quadroped avatars, mounts, tentacles, asian dragon pet, various attachments and more. Can you help?
A: Short answer? I am very sorry but NO. I cannot because this is NOT a glitch.
longer answer? The Ascendant Wings were rigged with the wing bones properly for optimal performance. Unfortunately many other creators have been improperly rigging the wing bones to other parts
like rigging them to leg or neck joints which is incorrect and naturally causes conflicts!
Or in the case of attachments using the wing bones for other objects. My only suggestion would be to contact the creator of these items and request politely if they can re-rigg and update their item with those bones unused. Then they will work perfectly! :D
Q: My sounds won’t work! Why isn’t the flap sound working?
A: To preload sounds simply flap once either by clicking hud button or gesture then it will function properly
Q: My tattoo layer on my wings are not changing color but glow is showing?
A: No problem most likely they are hidden, simply click the on off toggle button NEXT to the eye icon (NOT the eye icon )
Q: Why are my wings wiggling or not flapping?
A: On rare occasions this may occur, see if you are wearing a "ankle fix" attachment as they have been reported to cause issues due to the animations mixing removing this should make them work properly if that doesn’t work simply reattach to reset the wings on your avatar