Mesh Rigged Wolf
Maker Pack Available
Free Updates!!
July 17th 2020
[SP] Anthro
The Wolf is Alive!
Available Now On
secondlife marketplace
or in world!



[SP] Anthros
Fallen or Ascend?
The Dragon Is Hatched

Come little weblings bring your attention to me!
For a feast your eyes have never seen before
Enter the door to my web of paradise, simply look around and view it.
My inventions are 93% Badass, 6% Crazy , 4% Structure and 2% Jack Daniels.
That's 105% Spider Productions!
Our Prey

We hatch in the silhouettes of those that laid before us, restless souls we came up with the light of fire. Raised in the black of night we have fallen like the Angels to the floor... We are amongst the Kings, Queens and Knights forever standing strong, never to be held down. We are the Dragons, the Guardians of our realm.
Do you Ascend into the Heavens or have you Fallen from Grace? However good or evil that you decide [SP] has you covered with The Ascendent Wings "Fallen" and "Ascend" available in the Main Store or Marketplace.
[Adorkable] Full Perm Mesh Clothing
Release Date: July 17th 2020

Spiked Collars/Cuffs
Available in packs of 3, RLV Open Collar, Hide/Show Spikes, 7 Leather Color Options,
4 Metal Options, 3 Font Color Change Options, 30 Preset Color Options + Tint Slider, Buckles/Spikes/Loops Color Change
NOW Available The Spiked Cuffs to completely out your look!
Do NOT forget to join the Spider Productions group for your free set of "Prey" Collar and Cuffs, all located at the main store.

From the day we arrived in your world, blinking as we stepped into the sun, there is more of us to be seen then ever seen before. Some say "Live and Let Live." We all agree to join the Stampede. In our Circle of Life we roll the wheel of fortune, to take a leap of Faith, we create a new hope.