Dragon Guardian
Q: Help my DG dragons head it grainy and weird looking how do i fix this?
A: It’s a LL change thing...the display for alphas have changed in latest versions NOT your Dragon Guardian avatar set your (Preferences-Graphics-check advanced lighting model-set shadows to none (or turn them on that’s up to you) Done. enjoy
Q: Help my wings will not stop flapping after i jumped on a saddle then off again
A: Rez any of the saddles hop on it then off again (it will then trigger the flapping to stop properly
Q: Why are my legs deformed and in the ground and my shape looks just wrong?
A: Mesh avatars do DEFORM the body this is a glitch that Linden Labs has yet to fix
it happens if you are either swapping to or from the avatar.
Note: Any deformations you may still experience are SL based and not a direct result of the DG Avatar. We have no control over that and the only known fix is relogging or going to avatar health undeforming and relogging.
Path: Avatar - Avatar heath - Undeform Avatar
Q: I have this weird stick sticking out of my dragons jaw is my dragon broken?
A: No not at all this is a AMD/ATI Video card hardware skinning glitch in the latest firestorm for rigged mesh it has effected many other items NOT just the dragon
Info and Link to fix below (workaround currently is disabling it or updating the driver)
(Akie Resident: Hi Spider. I updated my AMD/ATI driver to beta 14.3 even with HWS ty)
::UPDATE:: 2016 Currently there is no fix for this issue still looking into a solution
Q: I was just on the mount and it seems my wings will not stop flapping after off help?
A: Simply drop down the mount again sit on it then off again.
Q: Does the Dragon Guardian cause much lag is the script and render count low?
A: Yes absolutely i have worked hard to make sure it is as low script and render count as possible and now is less laggy than a completely bare human with just mesh hair on and all regular clothing with the dragon guardian mesh avatar jaw hud and AO all combined!
Q: How do i swap back and forth from Biped to Quadroped and vice verce?
A: Simply click the gear icon in your Gesture/AO HUD / load / then click Quaped/fly and wear the quad shape in your unpacked folder (repeat process by clicking the Biped/fly option and wearing biped shape) to revert back.
Q: How long have you been working on the dragon guardian?
A: 3 yrs and counting so going on 4 since i have been working on updates and still plan to well into the future.
Q: I would love fully rigged facial movement many more color options new animations rigged tail more detail abilities possibly more animations and accessories and UVs available to customize do you plan to evolve this project as time goes on?
A: Absolutely! it’s a learning process and takes time but my goal is to learn and use all of the new technology made available for many more possibilities which i can use to create the best possible dragon i can. I plan to rebuild the entire base update and launch all kinds of new options as well as new color combinations then plan to use the finalized base (when im pleased with it) to create all the different regions i have planned in a far more technically sound and efficient manner, This is just the beginning!
Q: In 1.1 the quad animations seemed a bit wonky have you improved them or made new ones?
A: Yes of course i have, the 1.1 animations were thrown together for the release in less than a week just as a place setter but the new 1.2 animations were built from ground up and took months. New Quad animations + Modded Biped Animations. (Swimming + new taunts, sit, and DEATH)
Q: I really liked how the neck moved have you added anything in 1.2?
A: Yes There is now full neck articulation for looking in 8 directions not just the original 4. (works with ALL animations on both modes)
Q: The wings were amazing, there was some lag and the pieces were split apart, have you fixed that?
A: First there was nothing that needed to be fixed they were split apart on purpose so the scripted moving objects could move properly and if they weren't split they couldn’t have moved as i wanted them to. Now there are now brand new amazing "rigged living wings" NO MORE LAG or spaces between built from ground up not object scripted (animation driven w/ multiple speeds hover and dive action)
you can go to a sim filled with 60 people for example and get no lag what so ever.
Q: I never figured out how to use the mount system. have you done anything new in the update?
A: In the first tutorial 1.1 I did not describe the mount system because I had plans to change the whole system.
Brand new Quad/Biped/Carry Mount system was built new from the ground up and supports 3 passengers now + COMBINED Ground & Flight capability! as well as adjustments (give the reigns to any of the passengers)
Also the latest version works on temp rez.. which is amazing cause now you only need rez rights for 1 min which is the minimum and you can ride around with up to 3 on your back till you both stand up and it auto deletes its self.
Q: Is there anything else you have changed with the body?
A: New better proportion body and extend-able neck (via edit shape menu) make longer or shorter as you wish.
Q: When I removed the deformer I still had deformations on the dragon have you fixed that?
A: Switch to Quad or Biped mode faster than ever by just wearing shape (NO DEFORMER NEEDED ANYMORE)
Note: Any deformations you may still experience are SL based and not a direct result of the DG Avatar. We have no control over that and the only known fix is relogging or deforming and relogging.
Q: I ran into some issues with tinting my tail and wings have those bugs been worked out?
A: Yes when i heard of these issues i immediately fixed them and tested so that they were no longer a problem, grey scale skin tinting working properly as well.
Q: Is there any new color changing options?
A: Color Change horns and claws have now been added for much more customization options it was a personal option i wanted to add as well so when some fans requested it i was happy to add it.
Q: Are you going to make different dragon regions? which one is next?.... any release date?
A: Yes i plan to do different regions as displayed on the vender but as far as release date i have not decided yet, the plan is to revamp the current dragon forest region visually technicaly and add in other such features i feel will improve it more throughout the life of this huge project and when im satisfied then i plan to use that as a base for the other following regions.
Q: Are you going to make different flame breath options?
A: Yes I am currently working on different breath options that will be sold separately as extras with unique abilities and will replace the default one after its installed
Q: Are you going to haves different saddle options for the dragon riders?
A: Yes the latest version comes equipped with a (basic brown) leather wearable saddle for the Dragon Riders to ride on
I also plan to make other saddles which will be sold separately and different colors/styles for a more unique look.
Q: Is there a female dragon I could purchase? i love the avatar but i want my dragon to look feminine like a female dragon?
A: I get this question a lot, and let me start off by saying many females have purchased the DG avatar and thats great.
When i created the dragon to be a real dragon i wanted to keep it authentic (no boobs ect.) there is no strong differences between male and female dragons but with slight modifications done through the system that i have provided they have turned it out of box into very feminine looking beings by simply changing the shape thickness or neck length, the eye color, wings, and adding other such accessories.. so let your imagination run wild and with minimal effort you can make a beautiful female dragon from the DG and the tools provided
Q: Can you add the ability to raise your neck while laying down?
A: Yes I added head up and down movement while laying down and it has added a nice sleeping to awake and different sit movement.
Q: Are you going to make some cool DG Armor? possibly different types steel, leather, ect?
A: Yes its on my to do list i planned when i started this to create some nice detailed mesh dragon armor once the major updates are finished and the more important aspects are covered.
Q: Will there be accessories, jewelry ect?
A: Yes, I am currently working on all types of accessories from chains to body piercings to jewelry to different saddles to rings and more... But not sure about sexual genetila just yet I am still thinking about it.
Q: What about other body modification expansion?
A: I have created custom textured color change alternate jaws for a more unique look (which i personally love) as well as different cliff perches ect.